- Liesa Brosens, Rónadh Cox, Benjamin Campforts, Liesbet Jacobs, Veerle Vanacker, Paul Bierman, Vao Fenotiana Razanamahandry, Amos Fety Michel Rakotondrazafy, Tantely Razafimbelo, Tovonarivo Rafolisy, Gerard Govers, 2023. The slow downwearing of Madagascar: Inferring patterns and controls on long-term basin-averaged erosion rates from in situ 10Be at the catchment and regional level. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. First published: 29 March 2023 https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.558
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- Rajonandraina Toavintsoa, Rakotoson Tovohery, Wissuwa Matthias, Ueda Yoshiaki, Razafimbelo Tantely, Andry Andriamananjaraa, Guy J.D. Kirkc, 2023. Mechanisms of genotypic differences in tolerance of iron toxicity in fieldgrown rice. Field Crops Research Society, 17 p.
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